We help great advisors reach their full potential.

Practice management solutions and private equity partnerships

for wealth management professionals.


We are not a dealer. We are not a lender.


EWA will inject capital into your business, becoming a partner and assisting in taking your practice to the next level. EWA's unique process of partnering with advisors allows you to capitalize on the cash flow your practice currently creates, for the purpose of growth, diversification, and/or possible succession.

Win As An Advisor

Simple secrets of going from the self-employed drudge to the freedom of running a business

  • Transition from being self-employed to running a business
  • Learn how to avoid the hallmarks of a self-employed advisor
  • Turn your practice into a business
  • Get the simple secrets of a winning advisor!
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Meet The Founder

Steve Meehan

Steve has been in the financial industry for over 20 years, during which time he co-founded and was the Chief Executive Officer of Investment Planning Counsel Inc. (IPC). During Steve’s tenure, IPC grew from two small offices with approximately 30 Advisors to a fully integrated wealth management organization which, at the time of Steve’s departure, had $18 billion in assets under administration and $3 billion in assets under management. 

Steve believes strongly in helping others and has been a major contributor to Make-A-Wish Canada, SickKids Foundation and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and is the Chairman of the Pinball Clemons Foundation.
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It's time to transform your business.

Allow EWA to partner with you and pave the way - find out how

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